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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Chiang Mai, Thailand; Cusco, Peru
  • Program Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Spring Break, Summer, Winter Break
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: Kaya Responsible Travel 
  • Dates / Deadlines
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Program Model: Partner Provider Area(s) of Study: Africana Studies, Anthropology, Art and Design, Art and Design - Graphic Design, Art and Design - Studio, Biological Sciences (Biology), Business Administration, Communication, Computer Science, Cross-cultural and Global Studies, Digital Media Studies, Early Childhood Care and Education, Economics, Educational Management, Engineering Management, Environmental Science, Finance, Fitness and Human Performance, Foreign Language, General Business, Geography, Health Promotion, Healthcare Administration, Humanities, Internship, Latinx and Latin American Studies, Legal Studies, Literature, Management, Marketing, Mathematical Sciences, Multicultural Studies in Education, Other, Professional Writing, Psychology, Public Service Leadership, Sciences, Service Learning, Social Work, Sociology, Statistics, Women's and Gender Studies
Program Description:
Study & Service or Intern Abroad

Kaya's study abroad options couple in-class studies with out of class service-learning or internship projects. Study abroad students spend the first few weeks at university, taking classes and participating in a traditional educational setting. Students usually take these courses for credit and we can help to arrange that credit transfer and pre-approval with your home university.

As a study abroad student with Kaya you will also complete a service-learning or internship component for your time abroad in addition to your university courses, setting you apart when searching for a job. Depending on the study abroad you pick, you will participate in a 2-6 week volunteer or internship project once classes have ended. This will help bring the classroom to life and give you practical skills in a setting that promotes professional, educational and self growth. The service-learning component of Kaya study abroad is not mandatory on all programs, but many students find that it complements their studies abroad, and can even fulfill service-learning requirements at their home university. It is a great way to study abroad and make a difference!

Why Choose Kaya?
Kaya study abroad programs are a fantastic option for students looking to go beyond traditional study abroad programs. With courses related to culture, language, international relations, business and more, our programs can satisfy a range of academic requirements and areas of study.

Learn more on Kaya's website.

If you are interested in how this opportunity can change your life, reach out to one of Kaya’s Placement Advisors, who will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 03/07/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Academic Year 2025-2026 04/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Summer 2025 05/05/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.